Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hey guys, Quick update

I'm currently in talks for some stuff, but right now the hardest part of this game creation process is MONEY. I needs it for plenty of things including the most inportant part: The Engine, the engine is 100$ the artists and supplies I need to complete is around 309$ All my monies is going into this. I don't care if it's 5$ it would help me buy a couple of art assets.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I wanna rant

Video games today, what are they?

Most games today are going for the approach, "If grandma can't play them, nobody can." Theres no problem with this approach if you want more for marketing. It's true for everything, even First Person Shooters. It's simple, the easier the game the more you sell, the harder your game is the worse the review is so you don't get so much in marketing. It's a tough sell and it's tough to keep going in the not difficulty but the challenge of most video games today.

Take World of Warcraft for example. You can take the easy approach and just play, or you can get more indepth and then take the much more difficult approach, yet the difficult approach isn't hard enough you just go "Gah, i'm so angry because I need more skill to do this." This is fine, it reaches a much broader audience than before.

Do you have a problem with it?

No, actually I don't it may seem like I do but I don't. What really bothers me is people that play games, and don't even realise that they're playing a game that someone did specificly for you, no matter what game you play. Let me give a few examples:

Lets say you play a game on facebook, Farmville for example. You enjoy this game, this game is fun. You don't play "hardcore" games like call of duty or something along those lines. Your playing a game to enjoy it. Just because someone else plays something else doesn't mean you should shun that person as a gamer, and your a normal person. Do you know why? That's because your a gamer too. You game on facebook, it's a platform no differnt than the PS3 or Xbox.

Another good example is my sister in law. She doesn't like video games yet she plays casual games like the ones you find on Yahoo games or whatever. She doesn't like video games, yet she plays them. Kind of pointless to me because, her, herself is a gamer. We just like differnt types of games.

Game specificly for me? What do you mean?

The target audience. Simple as that, if your a casual gamer then you enjoy the casual games. So these people market on Yahoo Games, Big Fish Games, and the PC game selection at Wal-Mart.

So in conclusion what pisses me off is this:

Be it anything in the gaming industry, Casual game, FPS, RPG, Racing, Puzzle, JRPG. Whatever you enjoy, whatever you look for in a game, anything your interacting with and it enertains you. Your gaming.

Gaming isn't new, it's been around for centuries. It's a part of our human nature to compete, reach a goal, or simply saying, "I'm the best, and you can't beat me haha."

For the girlfriends who complain that they're boyfriends play too much xbox, for the mothers complaining that they're child will grow up to be a nobody. To the bitchy sister in law that complains about how her games challenge and yours don't. Rise up, everyone's a gamer, everyone's played a game. Just STFU and leave us alone. We've gotta pwn this dude and teabag him.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Added Donate to the blog

Here's how it goes, you donate, you get the game for free.

Min 1.00$
Max 20.00$

If you give me more I won't argue but leave a comment below and i'll get a hold of you, and you also get in on the beta. Each build of the game I build will be going to you to download and play.

The gameplay video below is NOT of the game. The game "The unfortunate ones" Will be 2D side view action RPG.

What the funds go for:

Nothing personal for me everything goes twords the game like
  • Purchasing the Game Engine (100$)
  • Purchasing Resources for the game (sprites and such anywhere between 5$ and 20$)
  • Paying for freelance artists or programmers, but im most likely to do everything by myself
Please do help because everything will be appreciated, I am on a fixed income, no job. Infact this is my job for a while. So anything helps!

Thanks guys,


I finaly feel comfortable enough to start this production

It's been a while with some up and downs, no team members and i'm going to have to do mostly all of the stuff myself. It's okay now though because before I didn't feel comfortable doing things like this by myself but now I actually do. It's time to start work on the game and I have to say, It's going to be a long road.

I've been up and down the past few days but now I truly feel comfortable enough to continue with my game production, here are the details:

Game Name: The Unfortunate Ones

The Idea: Create a Action RPG 2D/sidescroller much like Castlevania or Legend of Zelda with a cartoonish, differnt look go the game. Sell it on steam or one of many differnt Digital distribution platforms.

Game story: Three heroes kind of living out their own lives end up going on a grand adventure to figure out why the Unfortunates are attacking the realm of the living.

Target release date: Sometime in 2012.

The art will come in time, I'm still learning the basics but I think I got some of it down, 1/4 artists have turned me down so far but I will keep looking!

Help me get some hype, and some monies because game development isn't cheap.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Progress, Progress, Progress.

Look, I made some progress with the Engine, now to... just... get that... ARTIST

Pixle art coming soon!

I'm going to start doing some basic artwork for the game (Let's hope I can do it) It'll be posted as soon as i get some basic stuff done.

Friday, July 29, 2011

About the game

Welcome to the Unfortunate One's Blog, this will be game information, where to buy the game when it's released and to follow the progress on the game. Art will be added soon, and so will most of the information on the progress of the game.


Branching storyline

3 unique characters, with their own storyline!

Unique Experence unknown to indie games before!

American Style RPG Elements (Action game with a story, you know your going to love it)

Gamers will love, and new players will be able to pickup and play!


expected release date: 2Q 2012